Log started Wednesday 6th May 1998 21:09:20.45 $VER: Rally 4.70 (6.5.98) QR DEMO 1 LEVEL cpu= 6 00000633 GenuineIntel fpu= 1 mmx= 1 machinetype= 1 ram avail/total: 0 32092 Kb swp avail/total: 84344 129328 Kb free space on partition= 227968 Kb noaudio= 0 nocdaudio= 0 noreplay= 0 nofmv= 0 forced3d= 1 forceprimary= 0 forceno3dcard= 0 force16bittex= 0 force3dtrans= 4294967295 force3dalpha= 4294967295 force3dshadow= 4294967295 force3dfogging= 4294967295 Find3DHardware: 2D hw found: caps: hw is 3d: primary card 2D hw found: caps: hw is 3d: secondary card OpenWindow OpenDirectDraw OpenDirect3D: using secondary card: dd interfaces (lpDD) 82D8BF3C (Prim) 82D8BC50 (Sec) 82D8BF3C DetectVideo 2d 8bit modes found FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 2d 16bit modes found 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 16bit modes found on prim/sec FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 Any3DDetect D3DDetectCard shadecaps= 000C53CA srcblendcaps= 00001FFF dstblendcaps= 00001FFF texturecaps= 0000000F texturefiltercaps= 0000000F textureblendcaps= 0000007F caps3dtrans= 00000001 caps3dalpha= 00000001 caps3dfogging= 00000001 caps3dshadow= 00000001 d3d hal found video memory avail/mem= 2048 2048 Kb Changing to mode 512 x 384 x 16 3d= 1 Starting new mode: Using card 2: Opening screen: CreateSurface: 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F GetAttached: Create 3ddevice: found tf=16 565 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F : found tf=8: Systex surface: sd flags= 00001001 sd caps= 00005000 pf flags= 00000060 rgbcount= 8 rmask= 00000000 gmask= 00000000 bmask= 00000000 amask= 00000000 complete texpages allocated on card= 19 x 8bit Changing to mode 640 x 480 x 16 3d= 1 Starting new mode: Using card 2: Opening screen: CreateSurface: 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F GetAttached: Create 3ddevice: found tf=16 565 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F : found tf=8: Systex surface: sd flags= 00001001 sd caps= 00005000 pf flags= 00000060 rgbcount= 8 rmask= 00000000 gmask= 00000000 bmask= 00000000 amask= 00000000 complete texpages allocated on card= 19 x 8bit Changing to mode 800 x 600 x 16 3d= 1 Starting new mode: Using card 2: Opening screen: CreateSurface: 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F GetAttached: Create 3ddevice: found tf=16 565 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F : found tf=8: Systex surface: sd flags= 00001001 sd caps= 00005000 pf flags= 00000060 rgbcount= 8 rmask= 00000000 gmask= 00000000 bmask= 00000000 amask= 00000000 complete texpages allocated on card= 19 x 8bit 3d 16bit modes found usable FFFFFFFF 00000001 00000002 00000003 OpenMouse OpenJoysticks OpenAudio: using 16bit stereo OpenTimer OpenCDAudio System open 1 0 1 2 0 1 Changing to mode 640 x 480 x 8 3d= 0 Starting new mode: Using card 1: Opening screen: CreateSurface: 00000000 00000000 00000000 CreatePalette: SetPalette: complete Changing to mode 800 x 600 x 16 3d= 0 Starting new mode: Using card 1: Opening screen: CreateSurface: 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F GetAttached: complete Changing to mode 800 x 600 x 16 3d= 1 Starting new mode: Using card 2: Opening screen: CreateSurface: 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F GetAttached: Create 3ddevice: found tf=16 565 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F : found tf=8: Systex surface: sd flags= 00001001 sd caps= 00005000 pf flags= 00000060 rgbcount= 8 rmask= 00000000 gmask= 00000000 bmask= 00000000 amask= 00000000 complete texpages allocated on card= 19 x 8bit Clearing Video Texture Cache Initialising System Texture pages 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Changing to mode 800 x 600 x 16 3d= 0 Starting new mode: Using card 1: Opening screen: CreateSurface: 0000F800 000007E0 0000001F GetAttached: complete